I'm sad to say but this week I will not be adding a recipe for Canadian style ham and pea soup. I contracted food poisoning during the wee hours of Wednesday morning and I’m happy to say that I am feeling much better. Instead this week I will be writing about some tips I have on how to avoid food poisoning and how you can spot these potential hazards.
As my duty as a citizen to the friendly province of Manitoba, I went to an election headquarters on Tuesday to take in all the hype and excitement. I imagine most election headquarters had a generous spread of food laid out on the table for their guests to enjoy. Myself being a guest, and being a little hungry, I thought that I would partake in a taste or two of this classic spread that can be found at many functions.

I must warn participants of these platters to eat with caution. Although they may look tempting, one may find themselves out of commission for the following few days due to unhealthy bacteria’s and old stale food. If you find yourself ever to be in the same situation as me this past week; you can check out this link which has ten helpful tips on how to have a smooth and quick recovery.
Finally, to end on a positive note for the long weekend I wanted to share a song that should make your life a little bit more enjoyable. This song has helped me through some rough patches and I must have listened to it ten times this past week.
Ick. Your tale strikes fear into the hearts of social guests everywhere. Glad you had a speedy recovery!